We only commission Citizenship and Immigration related documents
We only commission Citizenship and Immigration related documents
Commissioner of Oaths / Commissioner for taking Affidavits
Commissioners for taking affidavits (sometimes referred to as Commissioners Of Oaths) take affidavits or declarations by asking you to swear or affirm that what is in a document is true. The person swearing an oath, making an affirmation or making a declaration is called a deponent or declarant.
A commissioner of oaths only certifies that the required oath or affirmation or declaration has been properly administered. Commissioners of oaths do not certify the truth of the statements contained in a document; which remains the responsibility of declarants or deponents themselves.
We only commission Citizenship and Immigration related documents
Affidavit for lost citizenship and immigration documents
Proof of residency (owner/tenant letters)
Statutory declarations
Statement of common-law status
Supporting children,
Marital status
Lost passport of permanent residence card (must include police report number)
The person for change of sex designation
Amendment to birth/death/marriage certificate
Delayed statement of live birth
Canadian citizenship forms
We can administer Oaths and Affidavits in a timely and cost-efficient manner in the GTA Region of Ontario on any working day, or by special arrangements anywhere. We also provide remote commissioning services.
Please contact us to set up an appointment.